Saturday, April 05, 2008

Yes it is still winter here even though the calendar says it is spring. Judge for your self, winter or spring...this is the Bear River and it runs behind our house. To me it looks frozen, actually it is...but the calendar says spring?

The geese arrived by the flocks, hundreds and hundreds. I think someone told them it was warmer here than in Canada, but they were in for a surprise because it is still below freezing...but the calendar says spring. I know Mother nature is playing a joke on us. Well no one is laughing!

Actually I mentioned the geese before and yes they are quite a sight. As I write this many have left for home but there are still a number who stay behind to lay eggs and nest. Last early summer on a little island in the middle of a pond by us, my grandkids took a little boat out to it and found a number of baby geese. What a surprise when the mom was not happy about them being there and they, the grandkids, barely made it out with their skin still in tack. Nothing like a mad Mother Goose.
As you can see Lorie and Riley are not complaining about the snow. Bear Mountain found them there many Saturdays snowboarding their hearts out. They say it is a sweet piece of mountain. This was Riley's first attempt at snowboarding but according to Lorie he is a natural and has taken to it like a pro. In the order of Riley's loves, first is Lorie and then Snowboarding, but there was a moment that Lorie thought she might be moved to second place but she is still holding on to first place in Riley's heart by a thread.

Oops...catch me it you can. Actually in the next picture they are both not standing.

What a view and it has some of my favorite people in it.

I think Lorie thought she was poising for Sports Illustrated but she forgot it was Riley taking the picture and it was to cold to put a bathing suit on.

Today it was actually 50 degrees and our lawn had to be mowed. Not because it was too tall, it was because it had leaves all over it from the fall shed and it was easier to mow it than rake them all up. Yes we have a riding lawn mower.

Guess What....? I saw one daffodil this morning in my garden. Yes spring is one it's way...Yea!


HPT said...

One of these days if I am not too feeble to try it I am going to snowboard. These are beautiful days just before spring breaks through like gangbusters. Beautiful for us, of course, who have not been through your winter.

grannybabs said...

Delighted to see you posting again!!

Keep up the good work.

And I don't miss Utah winters at all!!

It was great to see you last week!

bonny with a Y said...

dad - i want to be there.

and the snow is pretty!

Karen said...

Boy can I relate! We had snow yesterday morning! I wish the weather would get with the calendar and give me some spring!

How fun to have the geese there. I'm glad Lorie and Riley are enjoying the snow while it's there!