Sunday, June 22, 2008

Everyone meet Wilma. She is a little over a week and from the local pig farm down to street brought her over for us to meet. Ty Ballard brought her over and we had fun. Little pigs are so dad raised pigs when I was young and I remember enjoying the little ones. Having Wilma visit brought some fond memories. The Ballard's do not named their pigs, they have over 5000 pigs on their farm. We named it Wilber at first, but it was a girl so we changed to name to Wilma.

Welcome back to the farm Alyx...she is down from New Mexico for the summer again. I remember going to Idaho every other summer with my family to visit my cousins and it was a magic time. We are so glad to have to here and it looks like Wilma was too.

Frankie's back! with all four legs! We had a time with him. He hurt his paw a few months ago while chasing a car down our lane, we think! He did not heal and became very sick. We were told he had bone cancer and needed his front leg amputated. We did not like this idea and looked for a second opinion and of course he was getting much sicker everyday. We went to a second vet and he said he had an autoimmune disorder and his body was destroying it's self. We put him on steroids and as you can see he is back to his old self chasing and bothering skunks. Yes he has been banished to outside a few nights because of a too close encounter. Will he ever learned that black and white means stay away not chase me.